The last and only standing 7th wonder of the world. A 4500 old relic that will give you shivers standing next to it. You will feel its energy and awe, you will wonder how it was built. The question is Why visit it like a tourist, when you can fly around it like a boss Pharaoh ?
One of the world's most experienced C-130 organizers, impeacable spotting and leadership dropping and making sure everyone is at their spot. Organizer/owner of 19 Exotic Sky Adventure Boogies in Asia, Africa, South America and the Caribbean.
Fred Fugen and team need no introduction. The Daredevils performed a breathtaking stunt on our last event and have partnered up with us to promote and co-host this years event. We're looking forward to more of their oustanding feats at the pyramids.
Freefly with one of the OG legends in the sport - Multiple World Champion - Multiple World Records holder Father - Artist - Photographer
🥇FreeFly World Champion - 6x World Record Holder - 7200 jumps - Freefly Trainer / Tunnel Instructor 3* / AFF Instructor
🏆 FreeFly World Champion - 6x World Record Holder - 9400 Jumps - 2100H+ Indoor
With 4000 Freefly jumps, French federal instructor & Freefly Coach;
Anthony will make sure you are well organized for your jumps & go home with great footage.
Multipl Silver + Bronze world Champion. 6 times British Champion. 7300+ Jumps. UK's first bilateral lower limb amputee skydiver.
World Championship Silver medalist. World Cup and European Championship Medalist 2011. British National Championships. 5000 jumps.
The infamous Swiss legend with 10.000 jumps and multiple records and world championships will be responsible for C-130 Spotting and Belly LO
WIth 6000 board flights, Kēbē has been working on skysurfing with the ever growing angle flight community since the brilliant idea surfaced with Omar, Olav and the Flyboyz since back in 1996.
"The idea is to develop our flight wings separately and then cleanly fly those wings together. Now we fly together and escort a higher Peace down to Earth as one wing over the sacred location of the Pyramids. This is a message of the need for World Peace that we all have been developing for many generations. World Championship Silver medalist. World Cup and European Championship Medalist 2011. British National Championships. 5000 jumps.
The infamous 3000+ jumps Jumpmasters will make sure you have unforgettable memories over the pyramids!
is a figure in skydiving and mostly in Wingsuiting as he is one of the most experienced with about 8000th wingsuit jumps on his 21000 plus skydive !
He manage to participate or even organize all the world biggest formation and French record also!
He had the chance of jumping all around the world has he was on the original Soul Flyers team !! And to complete those list jumping over the Pyramids will create a natural new experience !
Pro Photographer & Video-man - Official World Record Photographer - BASE Jumper - National Champion -AFF & Tunnel Instructor
Pro photographer & Video flyer - Official National Record photographer and organiser - TI & AFF USPA instructor - Commercial videographer & aerial coordinator
Pro Photographer, 26000 Jumps, competition Skydivier, 400 way Thailand, World Air Games, Blue Hole Belize
Very talented upcoming Aerial photographer who has been with us on several events and captured a lot of our event's moments.
21,800+ jumps. International Competitor with Multiple medals and records since 1989. Stunt Skydiver First Triple and SKYSURF Tandem. Skydive, 150-400 way World Records. Women’s World Record 131-way skydiving.
First woman to test jump BAE 146 jet.
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